Union public service commission (UPSC) Recruitment for 23 vacancies for Assistant Director, Agriculture engineer and Assistant Geologist.
Interested candidate can apply for post before 16 September 2021 on www.upsc.gov.in.
Important dates :
Notification date – 27 August 2021
Last date – 16 September 2021
Job Summary :
Assistant Director – 2 posts
Agricultural Engineer – 1 post
Assistant Geologist – 20 posts
Age limits :
Assistant Director – 35 years
Agricultural Engineer – 32 years
Assistant Geologist – 33 years.
UPSC Educational Qualification :
Assistant Director – M.SC. degree in plant pathology aur MSc degree in agriculture with specialisation in plant pathology for MSc degree in botany with specialisation in plant pathology from a recognized University or institution.
Agricultural Engineer – Degree in electronic engineering or instrumentation technology from a recognized university or institute.
Assistant Geologist – Master’s degree in geology or applied geology for Geo- exploration or mineral exploration or engineering geology or geo-chemistry for Marine geology or Earth science and resource management or oceanography and coastal area studies (coastal geography) or environmental geology for Geo-informatics from a recognised university or institution.
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