UPSC has announced the revised date for various examinations. Along with that upsc-cse revised dates released for preliminary and mains 2020. As we all know that because of covid-19 pandemic many exams are not on time. Inspite of having lot of problems and lock-down you continued your preparation and shown that you are a true warrior. Also, you are very patient and a curious aspirant, why ? Because you are waiting to know that your beloved IAS exam will be there or not in 2020. Finally, our wait is over and upsc-cse revised dates released on its official website. Please do check it in the following link given in the next paragraph.
for detailed calendar about upsc-cse revised dates released, please click on the following official notification: ApprovedRevisedExamCal-2020-.pdf
If you wan’t to ace your preparation please visit to our UPSC-CSE section. We’ll take care of your time and give you very precise notes for ease of learning in an easy way.
As we all are aware about CSAT (Civil Service Aptitude Test Examination). CSAT is our paper-II of UPSC-CSE preliminary examination and it is equally important as paper-I. We have awesome content and a proven way to master CSAT in an easy way. Please click on CSAT / APTITUDE section to learn and practice it thoroughly.
To get all information/notification and government job updates please keep visiting our website regularly. Head over to GOVT JOBS section to find out lots of job updates. And finally but most important to keep yourself motivated and stick to the strategy keep visiting to our TIPS & STRATEGIES section.